It probably won’t surprise anybody to hear that an increasing number of people have been contacting us with questions along the lines of: “I would like to use the Immanuel approach to emotional healing in my _______ (psychotherapy practice, ministry, church, small group, family, marriage, etc.). How/where do I get training that will enable me to do this?” As mentioned earlier, at this time we do not have any kind of training institute, we do not offer internships/apprenticeships, and we are not providing any regular schedule of seminars designed to train people to use the Immanuel approach. In the absence of these kinds of Immanuel approach training packages, the essay How/where can I get training regarding the Immanuel approach? offers a summary of the resources that are currently available, and then describes how to use these resources in putting together a do-it-yourself Immanuel approach training program. We do, occasionally, provide training events related to the Immanuel approach, and all relevant information regarding these seminars will be posted on the “Events” page of the Immanuel approach website ( Also, as we become aware of others providing training related to the Immanuel approach, we will post brief descriptions of the individuals/ministries providing training, along with contact information, on the “Referrals” page of this same website.